Welcome to West Union Gardens

West Union Gardens is a family farm near Hillsboro, Oregon, which is open to the public during Oregon’s bountiful harvest season. We offer berries, veggies, and flowers, some for u-picking and others for sale already picked in our farm stand. All grown right here on our farm. 

Our farmstand and u-pick are closed until summer. We anticipate opening sometime around the beginning of July, spring weather depending.

If you would like to receive email notifications through our seasons, find the “subscribe” button below. 

We look forward to seeing you! 

Best Produce Throughout the Seasons

Tayberries, Loganberries, Boysenberries, several varieties of Blackberries, and more! July is the peak of berry season, but you can find something ready for picking through September. 

Vegetables start showing up in the farmstand by late July, and the u-pick veggies are in peak season August & September. We grow everything we sell! 

U-cut flowers near the farmstand from late July through September, and sunflower fields for photography in August. Details are at the “Flower Field” page.